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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 | Author:

Hey All,

So i’ve been prowling the blogs I follow and just google in general in search for a group collaboration app. During my search I evalated a great deal of products. During my evaluation I noticed a reocurring thought, “Wow….this app is really good….these developers have a lot of talent!” That seems to be the case for a lot of nifty web 2.0 apps. I was really happy to learn about some new 2.0 apps and how they work. There are a multitude of different ideas and methods of thinking. Upon my search I settled upon No Kahuna for a workgroup collaboration tool.

While looking for a support button I stumbed accross their version of a support application, GetSatisfaction. This app was a completely different spin on support than I’m used to, but frankly the idea is pretty darn good.

Some other apps I previewed were:

Well I think that’s all for now, just wanted to post my findings. Hopefully these tools can help others.

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